What Should Men Know About Chin Augmentation?

Man smiling after chin augmentation in Nashville TN

A well-defined chin is an essential feature of an attractive male face. People describe it as a “strong” chin, compared to a “weak” chin when it’s less prominent. Men with recessed chins often hide it by growing beards. Thanks to cosmetic treatments such as chin augmentation using a chin implant at my Nashville, TN, practice, that’s no longer necessary.

Creating a wider, larger, and more angular chin for a more masculine appearance can be accomplished with fillers or a synthetic implant. The shape, projection, and width of your chin depend on the underlying bone, fat, and muscle. The strategic injection of fillers is one way to change the chin’s contours, but fillers produce temporary results.

Chin implants, on the other hand, create long-lasting changes with devices customized for each patient.

How Is Chin Augmentation Performed?

I perform chin enhancement surgery using implants made of synthetic material that feels much like the natural tissue covering the chin. I insert customized implants through small incisions either inside the mouth or in the chin’s natural crease. A local anesthetic with light sedation is all that’s needed to keep patients comfortable during the surgery, which typically lasts only about 30 to 45 minutes.

What Are the Benefits of Chin Augmentation?

One of the primary benefits of enhancing the chin’s definition is increased confidence. Men say they have more self-esteem in both social and professional settings after getting chin implants.

That’s because a chin augmentation procedure with implants:

  • Improves overall facial harmony by creating better proportion with other features
  • Corrects a weak or recessed chin
  • Enhances the definition of the neck and jawline, in addition to the chin
  • Helps reduce the appearance of a full or “jowly” chin that’s caused by a small chin bone

You can see the results of chin augmentation in our gallery of before-and-after photos.

Are Chin Implants Safe?

The materials used to make chin implants are very safe and have been rigorously studied. Silicone implants are the most common type used for chin augmentation. As with any elective surgery, there is some risk of complications but chin augmentation is considered a very straightforward procedure.

Combine Chin Augmentation With Other Procedures

The goal of cosmetic facial procedures is to create harmony and balance. In some cases, chin augmentation accomplishes that on its own. But some men can benefit from combining chin augmentation with other procedures, such as rhinoplasty, to create the desired proportions. Older men may also benefit from combining chin implants with a neck lift to create more definition along the jawline.

As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, I focus exclusively on facial rejuvenation for my patients. By seeing the face as a whole, I often recommend surgical or nonsurgical treatments that complement the procedure that brought a patient to my practice in the first place. The result is greater satisfaction with the outcome.

If you’re looking in the Nashville area for a facial cosmetic surgery specialist, contact us using the online form to request a consultation or call my practice at (615) 942-8016 to schedule an appointment.

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