The name facelift has always been a bit of a misnomer. When people talk about a face, they typically are referring to everything from the forehead to the chin and jawline. A facelift, however, doesn’t address all those areas. What’s more, a facelift actually includes a neck lift in most cases.
Women and men considering facelift surgery typically have concerns about signs of aging that include most of their facial features, including the area around the eyes, the forehead, and even the texture and tone of the facial skin. That’s why I developed the Reflection Lift—an approach that addresses your overall appearance and combines different procedures to produce the best results possible.
Real Youthful Reflections Patient Case #4
This 69-year-old female lost a significant amount of weight over a 3-year period through lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise. After meeting with Dr. Boggess, describing her concerns, and discussing treatment options, she decided to proceed with a Level 3 Reflection Lift and fat transfer.
What Are the Benefits of a Traditional Facelift?
As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, I have extensive experience performing facelift procedures using different techniques. A traditional facelift changes the appearance of the following areas:
- Mid and lower face, including the cheeks and nasolabial folds
- Chin
- Jawline
- Neck
What sets the Reflection Lift apart is that I create a surgical plan based on a comprehensive assessment of your entire facial anatomy, your skin’s quality, and the nature of your concerns. There are 3 levels of the Reflection Lift, depending on the amount of correction needed to accomplish your goals. A Reflection Lift is a conservative approach to facial rejuvenation, meaning that you will still look like yourself after the procedure but younger.
For example, a Level 1 Reflection Lift involves a conservative facelift that elevates and repositions the muscle and fat below the skin—what’s called a SMAS facelift. I use this technique if you have moderate jowls and mild neck sagging. As with other levels of the Reflection Lift, I may combine it with laser skin resurfacing, eyelid surgery, or a brow lift—whatever procedures are needed to improve your overall appearance.
As the severity of sagging in the neck or jowls increases, my surgical approach changes. But the overall philosophy of the Reflection Lift remains the same.

Considering a Facelift?
Start With Our Expert's Guide
"An Expert's Guide to Facelift Surgery" provides essential information for anyone thinking about getting a facelift. Double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Boggess is considered Nashville's facelift expert after performing thousands of facial rejuvenation procedures with consistently remarkable results.
The Expert's Guide explains:
- How to choose a surgeon you can trust
- What to do before your facelift
- Why a Reflection Lift is more than a facelift
- When you'll be ready for a big social event
Get Your FREE Expert's Guide to Facelift Surgery
Learn more about the Reflection Lift and if you can benefit from this approach by requesting a consultation at Youthful Reflections. I take whatever time is needed to assess your facial anatomy and learn about your goals and concerns in order to recommend the best procedures to achieve your goals.
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