Neck Lift Tips for Pre- and Post- Surgery

Neck Lift Tips

As excited as you may be for your neck lift, it’s important to start preparation a few weeks before your procedure for maximum results. As your partner on this journey, we’ve created a list of pre- and post-operative instructions and best-practice tips for you to review.

As with any surgery, some careful consideration must be given to successfully prepare for the procedure and plan for your recovery.

Neck Lift Pre-Operative Instructions

Two Weeks Before Surgery:

  • Stop taking aspirin, products containing aspirin, and anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen
  • Quit smoking
  • Notify your doctor if you develop a cold or illness
  • Schedule pre-op exam and any necessary blood work and tests to be completed within one week of surgery
  • Schedule your post-op visit
  • Make arrangements for someone pick you up after surgery and stay with you for 24 to 72 hours post-op

Two Days Before Surgery:

  • Have your hair done – color, perm, cut, etc. – and set aside sunglasses and a scarf
  • Prepare small zip-lock bags for crushed ice, frozen peas, or soft commercial ice pack alternatives
  • Download new music or audiobook
  • Buy light foods, such as juices, tea, soup, toast, crackers, bagels, jelly, etc.
  • Fill your pain medication prescription and any other prescriptions you might have

Evening Before Surgery:

  • Get a full night’s sleep
  • Do not eat or drink anything after 12 midnight prior to surgery, if surgery is performed using general anesthesia or IV sedation

Day of Surgery:

  • Do not eat or drink anything prior to surgery
  • Do not smoke
  • Use the restroom
  • Do not wear any makeup
  • Do not wear wigs, hairpins, hair pieces or jewelry
  • Dress in loose comfortable clothes – consider a top that buttons close (no pullover tops or pantyhose)


Neck Lift Post-Operative Instructions

At Home After Surgery:

  • Elevate head at all times
  • Avoid turning head from side to side; instead, move head and shoulders together
  • No lifting or bending over
  • Get help to get out of bed
  • Take liquids slowly and progress to soups or JELL-O
  • Do not smoke or be around smoke
  • As soon as you’re able, walk around to prevent clots in your legs
  • Get lots of rest
  • Do not bend, lift, strain or drive until your doctor gives you the okay
  • Follow your doctor’s orders to the letter

These step-by-step recommendations will help you achieve optimal results from your surgery, but should you have any further questions or concerns regarding your procedure, give the experienced professionals at Youthful Reflections a call.

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Worth Waiting For

We understand you want your facial plastic surgery right away, but when it comes to your safety and appearance, patience pays off. Immediate appointments aren’t always available because Dr. Boggess:

  • Is highly accomplished, and his services are in demand.

  • Takes his time to ensure outstanding safety, care, and results.

  • Offers personalized techniques that aren’t available elsewhere.

We are worth the wait.

If you can’t see Dr. Boggess right away, learn why waiting for the best facial plastic surgeon is essential and how you can make the most of that time in blog post.

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