Facial rejuvenation means different things to different people, but the end goal is the same—to look like a younger, refreshed version of yourself. Facial plastic surgery encompasses a variety of surgical procedures designed to add re-contour different areas of your face for a more youthful appearance. Let’s explore some advanced procedures that smooth wrinkles and …
As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, I've helped countless patients transform their appearance through lower eyelid surgery—refreshing tired-looking eyes and restoring confidence. If you're considering this procedure, understanding the recovery process is key to achieving your best outcome. In this blog post, I'll guide you through what to expect from lower blepharoplasty recovery, showcase …
Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can be performed safely and effectively using local anesthesia. Is blepharoplasty sometimes done under general anesthesia? Yes, but at Youthful Reflections, we prefer local anesthesia with or without conscious sedation for blepharoplasty procedures due to its numerous benefits and safety profile. Local Anesthesia for Blepharoplasty Local anesthesia is our preferred method …
While many people are excited about the rapid weight loss made possible by modern medications, it can sometimes lead to unexpected changes in your appearance, such as facial volume loss, sometimes referred to as "Ozempic face." At Youthful Reflections Facial Plastic Surgery Center, we understand the emotional and physical challenges that accompany these changes. As …
People who don't get enough sleep or suffer from allergies often have dark circles, bags or both under their eyes. But if you feel rested and still get asked if you're tired because of under-eye rings and bags, you might benefit from lower blepharoplasty. The delicate skin on the lower eyelids is one of the …
Are you often asked if you're tired, even when you feel rested? Or perhaps you appear worried or angry, even when content. The area around the eyes can communicate misleading signals about your age or mood if you have droopy eyelids, puffy under-eye bags, or hooded upper eyelids. Upper and lower eyelid surgery is a …
An eyelid lift, known clinically as blepharoplasty, brightens and refreshes the eye area by addressing excess skin and fat in the upper and lower eyelids. Patients can choose to have surgery on either lid or both, depending on their preferences and needs. Learn more about this procedure and when you should get an upper blepharoplasty …
As people age, the muscles, fat, and skin around the eye grow lax, which leads to sagging and bulging. This excess and drooping tissue is called dermatochalasis and can be caused by age or genetics. Eyelid lifts benefit those whose eyelids make them look older than they are or perpetually exhausted or sad. Drooping upper …
As people age, the skin of the upper eyelids begins to sag and droop due to loss of elasticity. The sagging skin can hang over the upper eyelid and lashes and cause visual field obstruction, while the fat around the eye can also protrude into the eyelid, resulting in a puffy appearance that obscures the …
People considering cosmetic surgery often browse before-and-after photos of patients who had the same procedure they want before choosing a plastic surgeon. Along with patient reviews, B&A photos wield significant influence on a patient's choice of a capable plastic surgeon. But what should you look for in photos if, for example, you thinking of eyelid …
We understand you want your facial plastic surgery right away, but when it comes to your safety and appearance, patience pays off. Immediate appointments aren’t always available because Dr. Boggess:
Is highly accomplished, and his services are in demand.
Takes his time to ensure outstanding safety, care, and results.
Offers personalized techniques that aren’t available elsewhere.
We are worth the wait.
If you can’t see Dr. Boggess right away, learn why waiting for the best facial plastic surgeon is essential and how you can make the most of that time in blog post.