You may have been wondering what causes the appearance of under eye circles or bags and how you can get rid of them. At Youthful Reflections, we have a procedure to address this beauty issue and make you look refreshed and younger in appearance. Dark circles under the eyes are common with aging, because the …
Aging may be inevitable, but the good news is that with the help of a CO2 laser, you can stave off the signs of aging and look your best at any age. Only a few decades ago, cosmetic laser technology was extremely new and limited in its applications. Thankfully, technology advances quickly, and today’s laser …
As time marches on, the collagen and elastin that keep your skin supple and elastic start to diminish. Years of sun damage, smoking, or plain old gravity can do a number on your skin. Eventually, you look in the mirror and notice sagging that wasn’t there before. Luckily, we offer many treatments to improve saggy …
If you’ve suffered from severe acne, chances are that your skin has become permanently altered by acne scars even after the pimples have cleared. This results from the inflammatory reaction mounted by your body’s immune system to fight the localized skin infection. White blood cells release toxins, enzymes and free radicals that are meant to …
Everyone wants to look their very best for a wedding, and this does not just apply to the bride! Our physician and staff at Youthful Reflections are pleased to offer treatments to make both the bride and groom, as well as ushers and bridesmaids, mothers and fathers look splendid for the big day. Here are some …
The truth is we've heard many people say, “I'm too young for plastic surgery,” while so many others say, “I'm too old for that!” At What Age Should I Start Getting Cosmetic Surgery? There is no perfect age to go under the knife because everyone ages differently. But it’s recommended not to wait until you …
The effects of sun damage may take years to appear, or they can crop up in an afternoon. Hyperpigmentation is the term that refers to dark patches on the skin. This condition can include age spots, freckles, liver spots, and pregnancy masks. While it's generally harmless, it can cause discomfort and embarrassment for those who …
If you want to give someone who means a lot to you a truly memorable present, you may want to consider purchasing a Youthful Reflections cosmetic procedure. We specialize in plastic surgery and cosmetic facial rejuvenation treatments in our Brentwood office just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. Cosmetic treatments can be a sensitive topic for …
What Are Sunspots? Sunspots are skin lesions that appear on the skin due to sun exposure. They are often flat and scaly. Sun spots can develop at any age, but they typically occur in patients who are over the age of 40. People who do a lot of driving are likely to develop sunspots on …
We understand you want your facial plastic surgery right away, but when it comes to your safety and appearance, patience pays off. Immediate appointments aren’t always available because Dr. Boggess:
Is highly accomplished, and his services are in demand.
Takes his time to ensure outstanding safety, care, and results.
Offers personalized techniques that aren’t available elsewhere.
We are worth the wait.
If you can’t see Dr. Boggess right away, learn why waiting for the best facial plastic surgeon is essential and how you can make the most of that time in blog post.