Facial rejuvenation means different things to different people, but the end goal is the same—to look like a younger, refreshed version of yourself. Facial plastic surgery encompasses a variety of surgical procedures designed to add re-contour different areas of your face for a more youthful appearance. Let’s explore some advanced procedures that smooth wrinkles and …
Your chin’s dimensions profoundly impact facial harmony, playing an important role in your face's overall silhouette and symmetry. Balanced and proportionate facial features are paramount for an attractive appearance, so a weak or receding chin can affect overall facial structure. Chin augmentation reshapes, repositions, and refines the chin. Both surgical and nonsurgical chin enhancement methods …
If you are experiencing signs of aging on your face and neck that can’t be improved by nonsurgical treatments, there are effective surgical options available. Our goal at Youthful Reflections Plastic Surgery is to enhance and improve your facial features rather than drastically change them. Some popular facial surgery options include brow lifts, eyelid surgery, …
Wanting a well-defined chin is a common goal for many men and women. After all, a recessed or “weak” chin often detracts from an attractive face. In many cases, the patients concerned about the appearance of their chin also want to know if a chin implant can improve the look of the jawline. The answer …
If you are looking to bring harmony to your facial features, your chin’s appearance makes a significant impact. Chins that appear too small or under-projected can make your nose seem disproportionately large or blunt your jawline and neck definition. As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who performs chin augmentation to improve patients' profiles, I've …
A well-defined chin is an essential feature of an attractive male face. People describe it as a "strong" chin, compared to a "weak" chin when it's less prominent. Men with recessed chins often hide it by growing beards. Thanks to cosmetic treatments such as chin augmentation using a chin implant at my Nashville, TN, practice, …
While the placement of a chin implant can restore facial harmony and proportion, the aesthetics of the face may be improved in several ways. Making your nose look smaller is just one of the benefits of this type of implant. Chin implants can also improve the contour of the jawline and provide additional depth to …
There are many benefits that can be reaped from getting a chin implant. It can give a person a more attractive facial profile. It can also restore facial harmony. Chin augmentation involves using implants to enhance and reshape the chin. Light sedation and local anesthesia are used during this procedure. It typically takes 30 to …
If you want to give someone who means a lot to you a truly memorable present, you may want to consider purchasing a Youthful Reflections cosmetic procedure. We specialize in plastic surgery and cosmetic facial rejuvenation treatments in our Brentwood office just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. Cosmetic treatments can be a sensitive topic for …
We understand you want your facial plastic surgery right away, but when it comes to your safety and appearance, patience pays off. Immediate appointments aren’t always available because Dr. Boggess:
Is highly accomplished, and his services are in demand.
Takes his time to ensure outstanding safety, care, and results.
Offers personalized techniques that aren’t available elsewhere.
We are worth the wait.
If you can’t see Dr. Boggess right away, learn why waiting for the best facial plastic surgeon is essential and how you can make the most of that time in blog post.