When I consult with patients considering an eyebrow lift (also called a forehead lift), they’re sometimes surprised at the number of techniques used to perform this popular procedure and wonder which is best for them. As a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon, I offer 6 brow lift techniques at my Nashville, TN, practice, each providing unique benefits. …
Choosing to undergo any plastic surgery procedure requires proper thought and research, especially when it comes to facelift surgery. As a facial plastic surgeon, many patients ask me how to choose the best procedure for their needs. Some patients have heard of both facelift and brow lift surgeries but are unsure how to pick the …
Signs of aging can sometimes seem to appear overnight. One day you walk past a mirror and notice a tired appearance even though you feel rested. Vertical lines between the eyes, a bit of sagging around the eyebrows, and horizontal forehead creases conspire to add years to your face. A brow lift at my Brentwood …
“Instagram face” is a bona fide trend and the subject of hashtags on virtually every social media platform. If this is the first time you’ve heard of Instagram face, the phrase describes a particular look created by nonsurgical cosmetic treatments such as BOTOX Cosmetic® and dermal filler injections. At our Nashville, TN, practice, patients sometimes ask how to produce the sought-after appearance with …
An eyebrow lift (also called a forehead lift) is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed to reduce forehead creases and improve drooping of the brow. A brow lift is an excellent way for Nashville women and men to rejuvenate their appearance. As we grow older, lines on the forehead eventually develop and increase over time, and …
By now you’ve likely seen and heard about injectables and how they can diminish deep lines and wrinkles. Perhaps you have friends who have been using them for years with positive results, but you are just now beginning to notice some lines on your face that you wish would disappear. Venturing into the world of …
Perhaps you have heard of microneedling and would like to learn more about this non-surgical facial procedure. The staff at Youthful Reflections and Dr. Michael Boggess would like to answer the questions we most often receive about what is involved in this treatment. Microneedling has been used to treat acne scars and hair loss …
You may have considered having fillers or injectables applied to the face. After all, wrinkles on the face can take their toll, and fillers and injectables are a nice way to address skin changes resulting from exposure to sun and years of movements of facial expression, such as smiling, squinting and chewing. You may …
If you are thinking of having a facial peel done but do not know much about this facial treatment, Youthful Reflections wants you to have more information. You may be asking how many treatments are involved as well as how you will look? Just what are the benefits of this type of treatment and how …
You have arranged, or are planning to arrange, surgery for a fat transfer and may have a few questions about the period after the surgery. Questions often arise as to how soon you can go out, as well as other concerns. Youthful Reflections has some answers that will make the process easier with a bit …
We understand you want your facial plastic surgery right away, but when it comes to your safety and appearance, patience pays off. Immediate appointments aren’t always available because Dr. Boggess:
Is highly accomplished, and his services are in demand.
Takes his time to ensure outstanding safety, care, and results.
Offers personalized techniques that aren’t available elsewhere.
We are worth the wait.
If you can’t see Dr. Boggess right away, learn why waiting for the best facial plastic surgeon is essential and how you can make the most of that time in blog post.