Brow Lift vs. Facelift: Which Is Right for You?

A woman questions the benefits of facelift or brow lift in Brentwood, TN

Choosing to undergo any plastic surgery procedure requires proper thought and research, especially when it comes to facelift surgery. As a facial plastic surgeon, many patients ask me how to choose the best procedure for their needs. Some patients have heard of both facelift and brow lift surgeries but are unsure how to pick the right treatment. While there are some similarities between these two options, each has its own unique benefits. 

If you’re deciding between brow lift vs. facelift, it’s good to know the major benefits of each procedure. Here are some things to keep in mind when discussing your facial rejuvenation options with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon. 

Facelift / Reflection Lift Case 2 Before & After Front | Nashville, TN | Youthful Reflections
Before & After Brow Lift
Facelift / Reflection Lift Case 73 Before & After Right Oblique | Nashville, TN | Youthful Reflections
Before & After Brow Lift

What Are the Benefits of a Brow Lift?

The main purpose of a brow lift is in its name: It lifts sagging tissue around the brows. A brow lift is typically your best option if you struggle with issues around your forehead and the upper half of your face. A brow lift is an excellent way to:

  • Soften forehead wrinkles
  • Lift sagging brows
  • Raise the upper eyelids

The procedure always involves a local anesthetic, but it’s sometimes combined with a light sedative. At our practice, we offer different brow lift techniques to target specific facial anatomy concerns. 

Facelift / Reflection Lift Case 48 Before & After Front | Nashville, TN | Youthful Reflections
Before & After Facelift
Facelift / Reflection Lift Case 24 Before & After Right Oblique | Nashville, TN | Youthful Reflections
Before & After Facelift

What Are the Benefits of a Facelift?

As mentioned above, a brow lift addresses signs of aging seen in the forehead and brow. A facelift, on the other hand, addresses changes in the lower face and neck caused by aging.  Facelift surgery lifts drooping muscles and tightens saggy skin, creating smoother skin and a well-defined jawline. Our practice offers our signature Reflection Lift—a unique approach that creates flattering, natural-looking results. This conservative facelift gently restores youthful contours while providing a faster recovery timeline than traditional surgery.

The Reflection Lift comes in 3 distinct types—or “levels”—that reflect each individual patient’s needs. A Level 1 lift, for example, addresses mild to moderate sagging in the jowls and neck. A Level 3 lift corrects deeper facial muscles and uses liposculpting along the face and neck. In this related blog post, you can learn more about my customized approach to facial rejuvenation

Can I Combine Procedures?

Many men and women struggle with multiple signs of aging across the face and neck. Combining procedures allows you to treat many issues at once, all with a single recovery period. A facelift and brow lift can be used together to raise the brows and sculpt the lower face. This approach often offers the best of both worlds, allowing you to enjoy beautiful, noticeable results. You can see some of these results by browsing our patients’ before-and-after photos.

Choosing the right treatment is no easy task, and there are many approaches to plastic surgery. In the end, the best way to decide what’s right for you is to talk with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who can help you find the best procedure for your personal goals. 

If you’re interested in facelift surgery in the Nashville area and would like to talk more, please request a consultation online. You can also contact our office by phone at (615) 942-8016.

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Worth Waiting For

We understand you want your facial plastic surgery right away, but when it comes to your safety and appearance, patience pays off. Immediate appointments aren’t always available because Dr. Boggess:

  • Is highly accomplished, and his services are in demand.

  • Takes his time to ensure outstanding safety, care, and results.

  • Offers personalized techniques that aren’t available elsewhere.

We are worth the wait.

If you can’t see Dr. Boggess right away, learn why waiting for the best facial plastic surgeon is essential and how you can make the most of that time in blog post.

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